Sunday, April 8, 2012

Live Nude Girls Unite!-A film review

The main thesis of this film is a behind the scenes look at what dancers face in the sex work industry and the uphill battle of the ladies in fighting for safer worker conditions and basic job rights.  The main arguments in support of the thesis are the filmmaker is trying to show sex work as a legitimate job and by doing that the ladies of the Lusty Lady were the first strip club in the United States to fight and get a union.  The conditions these ladies work in are harsh and while this is only one facet of the sex work industry it shows how these girls are often victimized time and time again.  In the article Humanizing Sex Workers, the campaign in Canada worked to show sex work in a more human light, meaning that if they could identify a sex worker as being a mother, sister or daughter that it would help stop some of the violence against these women.  This relates to how we have been studying deviance all semester because when we decide someone is deviant then what happens to them after that isn’t important.  The same article the blogger talks about the women who were found in a mass grave and because they were prostitutes they were not looked for more thoroughly.  I found many arguments in this film convincing.  If a woman chooses to work in this industry then she should be given a safe work environment.  I found the union organization very inspiring and how they fought for the smallest victories such as a sick day which. In other jobs that are protected by a Human Resources department, these girls do not have that luxury.  I didn’t have any arguments that weren’t convincing. In the article, U.S. Sex Worker Advocates Expose Human Rights Violations Before UN,  by demonizing this women it makes their work environment less safe and by making some of these acts criminal then it makes the likelihood that they will ever be able to get out and find a different life and by not treating these women like human beings who are just trying to do a job, business owners put the support behind the “johns” or the “pimps”.  I would like to study a dancing establishment who chooses to foster a safe work environment without a union presence.  I would think you would attract a different kind of client and the women would feel protected and not exploited.  

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